Have consolidated their position ol’on l heir l. v i ct ? n l ! s l in ? 0V J aDd Mrs - Mar |° McDonald un-Īs an effective third force in -T OlSaKcfU burgh but obviously disappointed doubtedly had an impact, it isīritish politics. The Berwick victor, brings their have forsaken its hard line policy 5 e _ thought the results showed been steadily rising in recent nar £ ow l£ significant that the SNP vote has Alan Beith, Now that the SNP appears to ? so. WithĪfter the last General Election, implementing Kilbrandon as a pubbe mood in favour of Govern- Govan going Nationalist, very Total of MPs to 11, five more than of total separation in favour of definite signs of a change in Scottish by-elections.
Lost their Glasgow stronghold of unofficial alliance with the „ He added that the Labour can be regarded as safe for In contrast, the Labour Party first step there may well be an “fP 1 P°J* C1 ® S. Govan to the Scottish' Nationalists Liberals to ensure that their Party had been humiliated. the most sensational result of votes are not dissipated in cannot _ remember an official Mr. The series - they lost their Scottish seats.