The actor showed up to court 10 minutes after everyone else, late for the scheduled 1pm start.Smollett declined to make a statement in his defense during the sentencing hearing.He faced a maximum of three years in prison on all counts, but had asked the judge for to spare him jail.Smollett, led out the court, then raised his fist in a black power salute and yelled: 'I am not suicidal - and I am innocent'.'If anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not to it to myself, and you must all know that,' he yelled, in an astonishing outburst that shocked the court.After the verdict was read, Smollett stood and yelled that if anything happened to him in jail, it was the responsibility of the judge who sentenced him.He has been told to pay $120,000 in restitution to the City of Chicago, and a fine of $25,000.Jussie Smollett has been sentenced to 150 days in jail for five counts of felony four disorderly conduct for lying to police, and will serve half of that.'It is your fault if I die behind bars!': Shameless Jussie Smollett erupts into a wild-eyed tantrum at judge after he sentences him to 150 days in jail and fines him $145,000 for faking racist homophobic Chicago attack in 2019